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Richard Weekley was born in Grand Junction, Colorado in 1945. 100 Doors is his seventh volume of poetry. The Literary Review, The MacGuffin, The Midwest Quarterly, Poetry LA, Queens Quarterly, Wisconsin Review, West Coast Review, Bitterroot, CQ, Crosscurrents, Pudding are a few of the North American journals that have published his poetry. He was the Co-founder, Co-editor of Vol No. Magazine. He is listed in A Directory of American Poets and Writers complied by Poets & Writers, Inc. and the winner of various prizes including Black Bear Publications International Chapbook Competition. He is listed online with He has performed as a visiting artist at Mount Saint Mary's College and California Institute of the Arts as well as for many coffee houses and literary groups including the Laguna Poets and the Iguana. Richard Stafford said of his poetry, "made me feel like a sturdy traveler, encountering whatever came toward me on an alert trip." Weekley resides with his family in Santa Clarita, California. |
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