MARGO BERDESHEVSKY'S debut collection of poetry, But A Passage In Wilderness, was just published by The Sheep Meadow Press (12/2007), Her honors include the Robert H. Winner Award from the Poetry Society of America (selected by Marie Ponsot,) 4 Pushcart Prize nominations & a special mention citation in Pushcart 2008, the Chelsea Poetry Award, Kalliope's Sue Saniel Elkind Award, places in the Pablo Neruda and Ann Stanford Awards (selected by Yusef Komunyakaa,) and Border's Books/ Honolulu Magazine Grand Prize for Fiction. Her work is published in Agni, The Kenyon Review, Poetry Daily, New Letters, The Southern Review, Poetry International, Runes, Women's Studies Quarterly, Nimrod International, Chelsea, Traffic East, Kalliope, Southern California Anthology, Margie, Pool, Many Mountains Moving, Van Gogh's Ear, Rattapallax, and more. Recent exhibitions of her "visual poems" were in Paris and in Hawaii. Her Tsunami Notebook was made following a journey to Sumatra in Spring 2005, to work in a survivors' clinic in Aceh. A new and poetic novel, "Vagrant," will be published next, by Red Hen Press. And a book of her short fictions, "Beautiful Soon Enough," is at the next gate. A lifelong voyager, she is currently living in Paris.
O slow soul, no desultory walk, now, but you vault in the spin of knowing, how OF THE SONG BIRD
Legend tells of the community of birds who had wings but no song as yet |
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© 2008 Margo Berdeshevsky
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