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"Here she is! Might as well stop fighting it. Lifshin is not going to go away. For men, she's sexy. For women she's an archetype of gutsy independence. As a poet, she's nobody but herself. Frightening prolific and utterly intense. One of a kind."
--San Francisco Review of Books Lyn Lifshin's poetry appears in almost every literary and poetry magazine in America, from American Scholar, The Ohio Review, South Carolina Review, American Poetry Review, Christian Science Monitor and Yankee to Ms., Rolling Stone and Ploughshares. Lifshin has published more than 100 books of poetry. She has edited four anthologies of women's writing including Tangled Vines (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich) now in its second enlarged edition and chosen by Ms. magazine as one of the 60 best books of the year. Other anthologies she edited include Ariadne’s Thread and Lips Unsealed. "Writing Mint Leaves at Yaddo," a prose piece, was selected as one of the best pieces of writing about writing by Writer's Digest and Story Magazine. Before It’s Light, (Black Sparrow Press 1999) won a Paterson Poetry Prize. Lyn Lifshin is a winner of many awards including a Bread Loaf Fellowship, The Jack Kerouac Award and New York State Caps Grant, Hart Crane Award, Poetry Prize at Boulders Writers Conference, the Harcourt Brace Scholarship, five Yaddo Fellowships, a Macdowell Fellowship, Madeline Jadin Award, Esttersceffer Award and Writers Digest Award. She was the subject of an award winning documentary, “Not Made of Glass.” She has been nominated at least 300 times for the Pushcart and has been crowned the “Queen of the Small Presses.” Her latest book, Another Woman Who Looks Like Me will be published by Godine/Black Sparrow Press in 2004. “Lyn Lifshin is “America’s most published poet…the Madonna who writes ten poems a day and spins the straw of everyday life into something fine.” --The Washington Post Magazine Her web site, includes her Los Angeles reading schedule March 6th - 12th. |
IN THE RIPPLED EBONY COVE from Before It’s Light (Black Sparrow Press)
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