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Guidelines for Applying to Feature at Moonday

  1. We need an updated bio, containing all publication credits, including where your work can be read on the web.

  2. Several poems (at least 3). We ask for poetry that is not ALL dark. We would like to see a range of emotional tones. If you write in more than one style, that is very acceptable and we like to see the whole picture, if possible.

  3. We are not a political venue.

  4. If you live anywhere near Pacific Palisades, California, please stop in and read in the open reading. This is a good way to get acquainted with one another and for you to know what is needed and wanted at Moonday.

Please send these items in the body of the email to:

If you do not have easy access to email, please send by snail mail to:
Alice Pero
PO Box 1089
La Canada, CA 91012

Copies of published books of any kind, self-published, chapbooks included, are very welcome!


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